
Darwin Bushwalking Club


Jim Jim Falls

Published Fri 01 Jan 2021

After returning from the Graveside Gorge walk, Verena and I had one day to recharge the batteries, shop, pack and be ready for the second adventure for this trip up the top end. Thursday afternoon we joined our leader Mike and fellow walkers Sue, Eric, Pam and Karen for our drive to campsite at Jim Jim Falls.

Arriving after sunset, we set up camp and all enjoyed a BBQ before settling in for the night with a very near full moon looming above.

DAY 1: After the drive to the base of the falls car park, we donned our packs and gave our heart and lungs a good workout, making our way up the track to the top to be rewarded with breathtaking views of Jim Jim Creek meandering through the flatland with the mountainous range in the distance. Once to the very top we followed the creek in search of the camp site that we would have for the next 3 nights.

DAYS 2 and 3: Awoke to the amazing full moon radiating over the pools and explored the creek upstream. It never ceases to amaze me what pops up around the next corner in Kakadu… the rugged vast scenery, the pristine waterways and lovely sandy beaches are endless.

DAY 4: Walk out today but not disappointed! We followed a beautiful creek with some amazing swimming spots gratefully enjoyed by most of us, knowing that these would be our last for a while. During the descent I noted how quiet everybody was as though a little saddened to be finishing the walk. Like me, everybody was probably reflecting on a very special and privileged trek not experienced by many.

I take these memories with me….as now I am back in Hobart where I was welcomed with an arctic blast with snow to sea level and a chilly temperature of 8 degrees. Thank you to Mike for splendid leadership and for the driving!!! Also, to all of the walking party for your company and friendship once again. I hope to join you again soon for another NT adventure. Jo Brown
